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Kim Sumner

Hello all! I have been a teacher in the Leslie County School District for nearly 26 years. My first 20 years were spent at Stinnett Elementary, but for the last 6 years, I've been at the high school teaching Global Issues. This year I'm serving as the district gifted coordinator and teacher for all GT students district-wide.  2020 has been unusual, to say the least, but I'm looking forward to the future of our Gifted Program. In 2021, the high school will have access to an Innovation Station Steam Lab where students will focus on new technologies of the future and the engineering design process. Leslie County High School is the only school in our region that has access to this type of lab, and I'm very grateful to PwC, a global network of firms providing services for businesses. In the lab, I will be promoting the Essential  8 Technologies for the future: Drones, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and 3D Printing. Our main focus will be on Drone Technology, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Circuitry, and Engineering. 
